America’s Grow-a-Row
Free Farm Market
America’s Grow-a-Row piloted a Free Farm Market at one of the MEND food pantries during the 2017 through 2020 harvest seasons, providing over 35,000 pounds of free, fresh produce to patrons.
Junior League of the Oranges and Short Hills
The Green Bean
MEND received a donated school bus from Group One Investments, LLC. With the help of the Junior League of the Oranges and Short Hills, the bus was converted for use as a mobile food pantry to supplement distribution efforts at MEND pantry sites, as well as for community outreach efforts through “Stuff the Bean” events.
Moms Helping Moms Foundation
Diapers and Other Baby Essentials
MEND receives a monthly supply of diapers from the Moms Helping Moms Foundation. These items are very much appreciated by our littlest clients, and those who care for them!
New Jersey Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (NJAND)
Nutrition Education
NJAND worked with MEND to revise our food drive communications materials to stress the need for fresh and healthy food donations.
A representative from NJAND trained food pantry managers about healthy, cost-neutral food substitutions they could purchase for their pantries.
NJAND hosted a “Be Smart for Your Heart Health” cooking demo class at a MEND food pantry.
We are always looking for ways to get more and better food for all.
Have an idea? Let us know!
Email or call 862.250.5216